Project: Web experience
Made by: North Kingdom
Roles: Art Director & Lead Designer
Client: Vodafone Germnay
Year: 2004
Working closely with Vodafone, our role encompassed generating ideas, developing concepts, and executing the project. The challenge was to demonstrate the potential use and experience of mobile technology in the next 5 to 10 years without making definitive claims about the future. It was important to showcase a vision of the future without appearing overly futuristic, while also prioritizing optimal site performance.
To address this, we adopted a human-centered approach that allowed visitors to relate to and recognize individual situations. Our solution was based on different themes: Entertain, Work, Care, and Belong. Depending on the chosen theme, users would follow a person's journey into the future through everyday scenarios, encountering various solutions involving mobile technology. Alongside the visually immersive experience, we provided a technical layer with additional text information for those interested in experiencing and learning about the devices and techniques. The target audience consisted of consumers worldwide with an interest in Vodafone, mobile technology, and related services.
We collaborated with Paregos, AkrylIP, Chalet, Tonteknik, and Håkan Moberg Photography as our partners.
The project received significant recognition and awards in 2004, including being named the most awarded Internet Website globally. It received Gold honors at prominent competitions such as Cannes (2 Golds) and the One Show. The success of the project resulted in a substantial increase in website traffic to for several months.
Highlights include:
Cannes - 2 golds
One Show - gold
CIB Awards - gold
FWA Site of the Day
FWA Site of the Month
FWA Site of the Year
FWA People's Choice of the Year
New York Festivals
BIMA Awards
Under the surface we find two 2.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon E5620 “Westmere” processors and an ATI Radeon HD 5870 graphic cards, a Wi-Fi connection and 12 Bose micro speakers. The table is 2.74 m long, 1.52 m wide, 76 cm high and 5 cm thick. The surface, which is more or less a huge screen, is made of soft acrylic that gives the correct smooth, low-friction coating.